Today I led worship for the 11am service at Sunset. Jill led the 9am and did a great job.
Here was our set for the morning:
- Cannons (E, Wickham)
- You are Here (The Same Power) (B, Hillsong)
- The Stand (A, Hillsong)
- Everlasting God (A, Brown)
- A message by Barb on Habakkuk
- Jesus Paid it All (B)
- Beautiful Mystery (F, White)
We did a lot of my favorite worship songs in the set which was pretty cool. In fact, there wasn’t any song that I wasn’t excited to sing and play.
The book of Habakkuk is probably my favorite Old Testament book outside of Psalms, so it was cool to hear a message on it.
You are Here (The Same Power), was a new song for us and I think it went over well, but probably would have fit better at the end of a set instead of in the middle.
We always take an offering at some point in our services and often it happens while we play a song. As much as I prefer to always sing congregational worship songs, it is hard to lead a worship song while people are seated and passing the offering buckets around. I just feel like peopel are staring at me instead of worshiping. I wish there was a better way to do that.
All in all, a great morning. A large group of the church had not been to church in almost a month because of weather, so it was just great to be together again.