This is the first in a series I’ll be doing of questions that some of you asked. If you would like to add your question, go here and do so.
Today I’ll answer a question from Jan.
She asked: So where do you think God is leading you Tyler? After seminary and all, do you have a sense of what God desires for you to do?
I’ve been in seminary for 2.5 years now and I have just as long to go minimum. I refuse to take on loans when my education is leading into a field that does not pay well. So I am paying as I go which is expensive and makes the process take longer.
Since I’ve been doing worship and music in churches since I was in junior high, almost everyone asks me if I want to be a worship pastor. I usually answer by saying this: “That is what I’m doing now, if I wanted to do that I wouldn’t be in school.” But that isn’t to say that I don’t see a role for me in music in the future. But I don’t want to be stuck in that role.
I have a passion and a calling towards the local church. I know I have gifts in music but I also am drawn to the discipleship process through the role of spiritual formation.
I see myself playing a key role in the leadership of a church, but I do not feel drawn (nor do I necessarily agree with) to the role of senior pastor.
Bottom line: I have no idea. I still have plenty of learning to do in seminary and in my current job. I am letting that process shape and mold me into the type of Christian leader I’ll be in the future. Once I get to the end of that process hopefully I’ll have a little clearer picture.