Fortuitous Bouncing

For those of you new to this blog, every Saturday I write up a short post including links to some of the best blog posts I read and some of the most interesting news I found.

Blogging is a funny thing. Sometimes I write posts that I think a lot of people will resonate with and few do, and other times I write something that I don’t think is my best and people love it. This week was an example of the former, not the latter.


  1. “The Open Source Pastor” from Vince Marotte. Interesting concept.
  2. Probably my favorite post of the week. This time from John Dyer as he weaves the subjects of coffee, theology, and technology in a perfect way.
  3. I think Rhett Smith asks an important question: “Are we addicted to our smartphones?”
  4. I am not this skin, I am the soul that lives within.
  5. How do we honor aging gracefully?
  6. Great discussion surrounding this post critiquing seminary online.


Have a great weekend.