Fortuitous Bouncing

Really looking forward to next week. I’ve worked too many over 50 hour work weeks in a row, and I need the break.

The entire city of Portland is glad the Ducks are good this year because the Blazers will be lucky to make the playoffs after losing Oden and likely Roy soon too.

Instead of being a worship leader, this week I’ll be giving my first “sermon” ever for a seminary class. Fire and brimstone.


  1. Honestly one of the best posts I’ve read in a long time (Messy Canvas).
  2. Great post from my friend Nicole on why you should live abroad.
  3. Digging this newly formed social network that allows you to ONLY connect with 50 people, no more. Seriously considering stopping my Twitter or Facebook use and doing this. What do you think?
  4. Good and thoughtful post from Ed Stetzer on homosexuality and the church. I’d answer his last question this way.
  5. Maybe the worst church sign I’ve ever seen. If you don’t like it…I did warn you.


  • I wonder what is more crazy, the play or the call of the play from the announcer?
  • Hard to believe all the details of this story, but it goes like this…newly elected Republican politician who ran against government run healthcare shows up on his first day and complains that he needs to wait one month before he gets his government run healthcare. Hmm…
  • Will soda and candy taxes fix obesity? “Studies show that increased costs discourage consumption of unhealthful food, but that soda taxes don’t reduce beverage consumption. Listing calorie totals on menus leads to consumption of 250 fewer calories per meal in a controlled study, but no real difference at Starbucks in California.”
  • Is this really where the life or abortion debate is going? I’m sad to live in a society where people think this is an appropriate way to make that kind of decision. Repulsive.

Grace and Peace.