This post is a part of the series I’m doing on A Theology of Cultural Engagement.
Check out all the other posts on VOCATION, RESTORATION, CREATION, and CROSS-BEARING.
Growing up as a senior pastor’s oldest son I’ve seen the style of local churches change. It would not surprise anyone to here me say I think many churches get caught up in “what’s working.” And it is with this type of thinking we have our church building Christian culture.
We go to church to be fed, expecting great music and great teaching while our kids are entertained enough to want to come back.
As more people come to the church, the church begins to expand its staffing, building size, and amount of ministries. In turn, the expectations rise as to how effective the church can be at providing better music, better teaching, and better childcare because after all, people’s money should be used in an effective way.
In reality, none of this is bad in and of itself, but it paints a picture of an unhealthy cycle most churches and believers have been living within, especially in America. Thousands, maybe millions of people have come to know Christ through the church building culture of the late 1900s and early 2000s. I believe God has a better mentality in mind, one that doesn’t abandon the role of the local church, but sees its role transformation to be a catalyst for cultural engagement.
God desires to use us in his mission to engage our world. We have been baptized and called into the mission.
The church is now being sent into the world through vocation, restoration, and creation in order to selflessly announce the reign of God in this world.
Any thoughts as we wrap up this series?