God's Word for the Local Church

The book of Revelation is written to 7 local churches that existed in the late first century. It was likely written by John, but we don’t need to argue about that right now.

Towards the beginning of the letter John, in the apocalyptic writing style, speaks about God’s praise and condemnation for those churches. Eugene Peterson sums this up perfectly:

“The churches are affirmed for untiring, unflagging, and vigilant work (Ephesus); for brave suffering (Smyrna); for courageous witness (Pergamum); for growing and developing discipleship (Thyatira); and for brave steadfastness (Philadelphia). But they are corrected for abandoning their first zestful love of Christ (Ephesus); being indifferent to heretical teaching (Pergamum); being tolerant of immorality (Thyatira); being apathetic (Sardis); letting luxurious riches substitute for the life in the Spirit (Laodicea).”

Could this be any more applicable to today?

I look around at today’s churches and I see a lot to celebrate about. But I also see so many areas where we need rebuking.

What stands out to you?