The Three: Mentoring Edition

1. My friend (and former co-worker/boss) John Sowers recently won the White House Champions of Change award. It truly couldn’t have been given to a better individual so consistently caring for people in need. Here’s a piece of the article the White House blog ran about John receiving the award:

We believe that we win by showing up in the lives of these kids. We must show up and care for them. We believe mentors are the silent heroes of the movement. And we believe the movement begins with you.

2. I read part of Tim Elmore’s book titled Mentoring recently, so this recent post he wrote on how mentors help us was particularly poignant for me. Mentors who care enough to see us for who we really are have the power to truly affect our lives. Here’s some good points on how a mentor helps us develop:

  1. Insights I didn’t know
    Each of them taught me something I did not know before I met them. They gave me wisdom from their years when I was still young and inexperienced.
  2. Blind spots I couldn’t see
    Each mentor was objective enough to reveal some blind spots I had about my style, my personality or my weaknesses. My self-awareness went up.

3. I’ve been enjoying reading the Radical Mentoring blog the past few months. It’s been greatly encouraging for me as I’ve been challenging myself to reach out to others in an intentional way. I believe God desires for us to change through the positive and godly influence of people around us. Here’s a snippet of a great post recently featured on the Radical Mentoring blog:

People matter.  Jesus said what we do to people we do to Him. That’s pretty clear direction about how people should stack up in our priorities.

But what’s cool is when we pick good people and love & lead them well, a lot of the things we want come our way. We don’t love people just to get what we want…that’s manipulation. We love them because He first loved us and told us to go love others as ourselves. If the “things” come, they come. If they don’t, we still have Him.

I have some really exciting things to share with you in the coming weeks regarding my book and other projects as well. Looking forward to letting a few cats out of the bag.

Grace and Peace.
