Fast Food Faith

Last week I drove by a McDonald’s at 5:30pm only to find a drive thru line over 10 cars deep, wrapping all the way around the restaurant into the surrounding parking lot. I said to the people in the car with me, “People still eat at McDonald’s?!?” Ignorance is bliss I guess. I certainly don’t…

God Saves Us to Change Us

Shows such as The Biggest Loser, Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition, and even talk shows like Dr. Phil are all successful for one reason: We love to watch personal transformation take place. The shows are so intoxicating some people become motivated to go do something. But there’s one giant problem to this. We love to…

5 Reasons to Stay

Several months ago I wrote a post titled “Knowing When to Walk Away” where I outlined that change is inevitable in our lives, but few of us seem to know when God might be leading us to something new. I received several negative reactions from people who felt I advocated for leaving when times get…