Foundation #OneWord365

As a year ends and a new one begins, I enjoy anticipating what will summarize the coming 365 days. As Rose and I approached 2012, I told her my one word was change. I didn’t tell anyone but Rose because when you say the summary of a year will be change people ask questions, and I didn’t have answers.

Sure enough, 2012 was a year of immense change. Pregnant wife, book release, new job, new home. What a crazy year it was.

Now as 2013 has entered into our lives, I approach these upcoming 12 months with this one word in mind: foundation.

Foundation is an interesting word because it is more of a noun than a verb or adjective. It is something, rather than describing something. Commonly foundations are used to build large pieces of property on. A house without a strong foundation deteriorates quickly. So it is with the Christian life. Without a foundation, following Christ slowly becomes a chore.

After going through a year of so much change—and anticipating even more on the horizon—I sense that what I need is not some grandiose plan for great achievement but a foundation in which the future can be built upon.

In the Christian life, a foundation looks like this:

  • Prayer
  • Solitude
  • Time in God’s Word
  • Consistent time with godly people
  • Consistent time encouraging those far from God
  • Making my family my first ministry

In the Christian life, building a foundation is making the choice to pursue obedience, instead of running from it. I’m often drawn toward the things that create headlines in life, often at the detriment of doing things the right way. Obedience rarely has the allure of fame.

2012 was a great year for me and my now growing family, but I cannot keep up this pace of change and public ministry without a strong foundation. I’ll do too much harm to myself, my family, and my ministries.

For the past several years I’ve chosen not to share my one word with anyone, but this year I’m choosing to do so for one reason:

Too often the pursuit toward massive accomplishments gives you a top heavy life that cannot sustain your pace of growth.

You and I need foundations that God can build his life into and on top of.

2013: a foundational year.

Join the community of over 200 others sharing about their 2013 one word.

Check back next Tuesday morning for info about the release of my 2nd book. I’ll be giving away a bunch of copies.