Letter From God

This letter was part of an assignment for one of my classes. This letter isn’t supposed to be focused around any systematic theology. Nor is it meant to be an accurate description of who God is and what he might say to you. It is just what I felt God saying to me as I…

A Day in the Life…

…of a seminary student. On Fridays I head to the eastside of Portland for a day full of classes. I’m in class from 8am to 9:50, 10 to 11:50, and 1pm to 4:50pm. Usually by about 3…I’m toast. The good thing is last my last prof of the day is very kind to us all…

Life is Tough

This post is a part of the internet collaboration of LifeShare. Read more about it HERE and HERE. Late last week I wrote about how I worship a God who turns the worst things into the best and I shared a story from my life. Today I want to take this a step further. If…

This Was Hard For Me

This semester I am taking a course on spiritual formation. Many will ask…why would you pay for that kind of class? My push back is that this is exactly the kind of class that seminaries need more of. Too many students get overwhelmed with the work that they lose intimacy with Christ. As one of…

Where to Begin?

School began Friday. I honestly think the first day is the worst day. The reality of how much has to be done in the coming months is truly overwhelming. I’m sitting in our guest room/office surrounded by books, syllabuses, and boxes full of clothes (because this room is a mess) and I can honestly say…