The Best Books on Holiness

Being that I’ve written a book on holiness I figured it would be important to read what others who have gone before me have had to say on the subject. While my end goal for someone reading my book might be different than these other writers, it was extremely helpful for me to engage with their works.

I think it’s always important to understand the context in which a book is being released into. The context of a book on holiness means that in some ways my book will be grouped with these works. So it was key for me to see where and how I differed from them while not just regurgitating the same things they already said. If I had nothing unique to say what need is there for another book on the subject to be put out?

Certainly I have not read even close to all the best books on holiness, but I think I’ve covered some of the key ones and hopefully some of you have a few to add to the list.

  • The Holiness of God // R.C. Sproul. My professor called this one a classic which seems a bit weird since Sproul is still alive and well. Sproul does a great job of engaging the Biblical texts that have a strong emphasis toward holiness. He never comes across as leaning too far in any particular theological bent which is also important to me.
  • Rediscovering Holiness // J.I. Packer. You’re thinking…is there some kind of prerequisite of having two initials in your name to write on holiness? I’m glad there isn’t. Packer is one of my favorite writers. This is not one of his most popular works, but I did appreciate the piece added on Mother Theresa when the book was republished in 2009.
  • Knowledge of the Holy // A.W. Tozer. While this isn’t really a book on holiness, Tozer does have one chapter on the holiness of God and it is quite great. The book as a whole is top notch.
  • Holiness // John Webster. Easily the best book I read emphasizing Trinitarian theology within this subject of holiness.
  • The Pursuit of Holiness // Jerry Bridges. For the average reader I found this one to be the most accessible. While Bridges does cover some of the difficult subjects surrounding holiness he does it in a way that makes it quite understandable.

What are some of the best books on holiness you’ve read?