The Three

1. The Wall Street Journal ran a story on a small study done on Facebook and marriages. And when I say marriages, I mean marriages that fail. The story was instantly adopted by several Christian leaders who I respect as the prime example why we must be careful when engaging in online media. While I…

The Three

After a bit of a hiatus over late December I’m back with the somewhat weekly installment of three great articles/blogs/videos/etc. As many of you know I posted a link carnival of sorts every week for over two years. For the sake of discussion and only putting out what I see to be high quality content…

The Three

1. Anne Jackson recently had a post from her blog republished for Relevant Magazine. She’s been through a lot over the past year having recently gotten divorced and it’s probably why I appreciate her post on how to help people going through a divorce. While I wouldn’t know if her advice is helpful, having never…