I got to talking with someone about writing and blogging last week and I quickly realized, I’ve now been blogging and teaching blogging courses for 5 years. I started in late September 2007 on this space, before I moved to WordPress, and then I switched once more to this space. I’m sure there’s one or…
All posts tagged blogging
Stirring Within Me
During the past five years of seminary one of the greatest lessons I’ve learned is the value of consistently working day in and day out in order to get ahead. Developing the discipline to clock in and out every day will always translate into the future as demands on life increase. Developing the discipline to…
The Three: Writing Edition
1. A couple weeks back I wrote a guest post for Jeff Goins on how I found the time to write a book in the midst of everything else I had going on in life. It’s the thing #1 people asked me while I was writing the manuscript, and honestly I even surprised myself by…
How Blogging Changed My Life
Someone told me recently that the human brain comes up with 10,000 ideas a day. I can hardly wrap my head around the immensity of that number, though it isn’t necessarily surprising to me either. What is surprising to me is not that we have the ability to process so many ideas each day, but…
It Will Never Be Enough
A while back I wrote a post that I really loved. I mean really loved. I won’t say which one because that isn’t the point. I bragged to Rose about how good it was. Surely, I thought, this would gets lots of traffic. By the end of the day it hadn’t made much headway. Sure…
Guest Blogging
Some of my favorite posts on this blog have been written by other people in part of the various blog series I’ve hosted (you can read them here). I’m not ignorant enough to believe that my writing and voice is the only one needed to be heard which is why I always try to link…